eAccelerator is being rolled out on the servers for PHP 5.2.4 tonight. Existing installs of ionCube Loader and Zend Optimizer — where necessary — will still be on the servers. The spurious deadlocking issues on Borel/Echelon with PHP 4.x and
Uplink port speed increase
Uplink port speed has been changed from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps. This should fix the creeping bottleneck we see during the 12 PM – 3 PM window Monday through Friday. Disregard the reported 10 minute outage; miscommunication with the
Network Maintenance Tonight, 10/17
A maintenance window has been scheduled tonight on October 17th between 2:00 AM EDT (-0400 GMT) and 2:05 AM EDT. During this time the uplink switch will be powercycled. There have been sporadic issues with abnormally high pings on the