Over the last couple weeks, we’ve been busily testing a new feature to improve e-mail filtering quality: forwarding. Simply forward spam that slips through into your inbox to spam@apisnetworks.com. Our processor will devour the morsel and send its remains to
Coming Soon: New Hosting Platform
Our long beloved juggernaut of a server, Assmule, has seen its final days. Assmule has been retired as of April 18. Echelon was retired on April 21. We’re making room in the cabinet (and more important: circuit breaker) for another,
Moving Forward: Platform Deprecation, Branches, and Beyond
apnscp has been the de facto CP since 2009. Over these last 5 years, software has changed, options have become better, and opportunities have come abound. apnscp is written with our older servers in mind. Software available in 2007 isn’t