Another esprit update has been pushed to the servers at this time focusing on streamlining the control panel and simplifying processes.  MySQL and PostgreSQL databases now include automated backups and secondary domains can optionally support e-mail.  Additional prep work has been added to transition over to the new control panel design due at the end of this year.

  • Added: Change Information (esprit version)
  • Added: error reporting modules
  • Added: option to clone e-mail or disable e-mail for domains added through MDM (bug #95)
  • Added: include backup on database creation for MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • Fixed: chown parent directories of extracted files (File)
  • Fixed: regression: deletion of aliases fails in Manage Mailboxes
  • Fixed: double-sort in Manage Mailboxes
  • Fixed: Majordomo wrapper setuid to postfix, should be nobody, remove postfix ACL entries (Majordomo)
  • Fixed: parsing multi-word lines in Majordomo configuration (Majordomo)
  • Fixed: remove original_owner form variable on determining whether to process an ownership change, use stat result in File Manager
  • Fixed: regression, Site::get_users_backend no longer exists, call User::get_users in File::chown_backend (File)
  • Fixed: regression, use SCRIPT_NAME instead of SCRIPT_FILENAME which broke on removal of the bootstraps
  • Changed: more CSS changes
  • Changed: refactor multiple methods, drop “m” prefix on method arguments
  • Changed:  rename “Synchronize Changes” to “Activate Changes” to reduce confusion on purpose (Multiple Domain Manager)
  • Changed: refactored MySQL, PostgreSQL, and apnscpFunctionInterceptor handlers (enforce singleton, inherit mysqli, remove redundant methods)
  • Changed: reskin input buttons to match upcoming esprit design.  Destructive changes highlighted in yellow, normal changes in green
  • Removed: clean-up old files
esprit Update: New Change Information, MDM/MySQL changes, CSS prep work