A new esprit update has been pushed to the servers at this time aimed at closing out the remaining Ensim pages from the User category, “User Management” and “Set User Defaults”.  This leaves four Ensim pages in the control panel GUI, “Site Summary”, “Protect Directories”, “Manage Users/Groups” (htpasswd interface), and “SSL Certificates”.  Once these remaining pages are de-Ensimized, esprit 0.99 can be forked and work on esprit 1 will begin.   If I can adhere to a development schedule, esprit 1 work will begin in February, approximately 2 years after a then-rough esprit 0.99 was introduced as the replacement control panel.

  • Added: “Manage Users” (esprit version)
  • Added: “Set User Defaults” (esprit version)
  • Added: postback callbacks (Page_Container)
  • Fixed: glob warning on ACL pattern match throws warning (File)
  • Fixed: checkForErrors() renamed to errors_exist() (Change Billing Information)
  • Fixed: white background for file type input element masks filename (File Manager)
  • Fixed: warn on existing log profile in add_log_rotation_profile() (Logs)
  • Fixed: move bind() to private __bind() function, bind() implies $do_bind is true (Page_Container)
  • Fixed: get_payment_information() should prefer payment data over subscription data when payment method is not check (Billing)
  • Fixed: zombie workers (ListenerService)
  • Fixed: escape “user” field in list_mailboxes() (Email)
  • Changed: enhanced List Subdomains/Add Subdomain
  • Changed: detect implicit -> explicit bind() call resulting in duplicate error messages until explicit bind() calls are cleaned-up
  • Changed: drop base64-encode transformation in put_file_contents(), get_file_contents() (File)
  • Changed: enhance bulk mailbox controls, disable/enable multiple accounts, separate disabled e-mail accounts from enabled
  • Changed: use multiselect for local forwarded users (Manage Mailboxes)
  • Changed: replaced directory auto-complete with file browser (Add Subdomain, File Manager)
  • Changed: move get_users() lookup to getpwnam() (User)
  • Changed: replace Ensim /etc/usertemplate with esprit version, reset defaults (Set User Defaults)
  • Changed: use explicit global/local subdomain naming choices (Add Subdomain)
  • Removed: 640px bounding box from esprit pages
  • Removed: sigchild handler from SAPI PHP5 module

– Matt

esprit Update: User Management revamp, enhancements