Time for another periodic listing of apnscp updates over the last few months. The following changes are mostly fixes or minor enhancements to improve usability of the interface. Two new notable features found their way into apnscp in March: IMAP/POP3 bandwidth logging (Reports > Bandwidth Breakdown) and control panel access restrictions (Users > Manage Users). New features are in the pipeline now that apnscp is bug-free 🙂

- NEW: IMAP/POP3 bandwidth logging
- NEW: control panel permit/deny (Manage Users, User Defaults)
- FIX: rename focuses on search box instead of active row (Manage Mailboxes)
- FIX: DNS Manager hostname canonicalization ignores subdomain resulting in former DNS records remaining in cache (DNS Manager)
- FIX: JS blur event fired on scheduling option “Custom” hides scheduling fields even if “Custom” is still checked (Crontab)
- FIX: $link property set for all translated paths (File)
- FIX: uconf-driver “add” operation returns Util_Process status, which should instead be the status code (Urchin)
- FIX: mailbox selection checkbox cancels click event (Manage Mailboxes)
- FIX: mysql user properties incorrectly displays last user (Manage MySQL)
- FIX: last page data overwritten following session re-initialization (Auth)
- FIX: parsing FTP records may exhaust memory limit with a sufficiently large file (Tabulate Bandwidth)
- FIX: update phpMyAdmin to login properly with phpMyAdmin 3.3 (phpMyAdmin)
- FIX: ensure no stale session data remains from a previous login when switching roles (Auth)
- FIX: corrupted MySQL stored password (phpMyAdmin)
- FIX: delete()- glob matches yielding no items treats the pattern as a real file (File)
- FIX: delete_mysql_user() cannot delete MySQL users (SQL)
- FIX: check if referent exists before accessing symlink in stat() (File)
- FIX: cache miss on stat() lookup for filesystem root generates error (File)
- FIX: corrupted backtraces (Error Reporter)
- FIX: IP-based HTTP requests fail site resolution (Bandwidth Logger)
- FIX: UTF-8 file encoding garbled (File Manager)
- FIX: process exit code regex conversion ignores integers (Process)
- FIX: exit code ignored (Process)
- FIX: master/worker premature input drain (apnscpd)
- FIX: page view statistics are not saved (UCard)
- FIX: user quota reported as account quota (Manage Users)
- FIX: scrollable div seek broken (apnscp JS)
- FIX: exit codes are ignored (Process)
- FIX: workers can block indefinitely during interrupted master/worker hand-off (apnscpd)
- FIX: extraction/listing fails for tar archives (File)
- CHG: is() and is_error() should adhere to method signature by returning bool (Error Reporter)
- CHG: permit mix-case mailboxes (Manage Mailboxes)
- CHG: all “Select All” field control to mailboxes (Manage Mailboxes)
- CHG: remove domain from http domain map before disassociating from account metadata (Aliases)
- CHG: skip /proc ACL calcuations (File)
- CHG: display insufficient information message if insufficient information for bandwidth projections (Bandwidth Statistics)
- CHG: ignore special _invoke() module method when fetching caller (Error Reporter)
- CHG: Update urchin to handle new http log format (ident field contains vhost)
- CHG: Upgrade FCKEditor to CKEditor (File Manager)
- CHG: properties action (File Manager)
- CHG: suppress repeated errors (Error Reporter)
- CHG: allow subdomain creation if subdomain directory exists and html symlink does not (Web)
- CHG: prevent catch-all creation on forwarded addresses (Manage Mailboxes)
- CHG: clarify select box for local user inclusion on forwards (Manage Mailboxes)
- CHG: support singular http bandwidth log format
- CHG: clarify unlimited quota by separate input control (Manage Users, User Defaults)
- CHG: prior to assuming apnscpd is running, verify process name matches executable (apnscpd)
- CHG: permit database deletion if db matches site prefix and admin user is not privileged (SQL)
- CHG: input focus changes border color in IE7 (CSS)
apnscp Update Journal