A new apnscp update has been pushed to the servers, bundling a selection of CP enhancements ready for our clients, as well as bug fixes and subtle changes.
Manage Users, DNS Manager, Subdomains, Addon Domains, and Manage Mailboxes now support a variety of dynamic filters, especially useful in situations where you have 40+ users or domains.

AJAX has arrived to DNS Manager. DNS changes now submit via AJAX. Now you can make DNS changes quickly, without posting to form and waiting for the page to reload. It also sports an UNDO feature for those edits that sometimes we wish we could undo.

By popular request, phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin are now available to users on your accounts, provided you give them a username and password via SQL > MySQL Manager (or PostgreSQL Manager). Clients can now give their developers access to phpMyAdmin without giving them their crucial account details.
Users will receive a notification upon logging in if they are at storage capacity. Modals also received a minor facelift, with a snazzy new background. It came down to a whimsical maze or diamond plating. Judge for yourself, and remember to login periodically to check your storage and domain expiration dates!

Lastly, Live Chat has been removed from the control panel. It provided a convenience for clients to interact with support, but also bypassed guided documentation that, in most situations, answers quick and simple questions. Support is managed in part by myself, who also writes the control panel and just about every major operation of Apis Networks. Instead of developing the control panel, which comprises the core experience for clients, most of my time was diverted to filtering simple issues answered within the wiki: not an efficient application of time. To keep things back on track, Live Chat has been removed from the control panel in favor of trouble tickets. The next CP update will contain some initial enhancements to the ticketing system, including live updates.
NEW: AJAX postback for DNS record edits, undo functionality (DNS Manager)
NEW: enhanced record filtering for Manage Users, DNS Manager, Subdomains, Addon Domains, and Manage Mailboxes
NEW: mini File Manager
NEW: sortable columns (Manage Users)
NEW: phpPgAdmin, phpMyAdmin support for subusers
FIX: fringe case in which renaming an subdomain with which the subdomain symlink is missing or corrupted fails to modify the domain (Subdomains)
FIX: generated mail missing Date header defaults to current time accessing mail (Mail)
FIX: nsupdate results improperly parsed (DNS)
CHG: error on setting DNS record if RR is CNAME and subdomain is empty in violation of DNS RFC 1032, section 3.6.2 (DNS)
CHG: add note when selecting mail domain if domain is missing from list (Manage Mailboxes)
CHG: save mailbox information upon modification, introduce 2 new functions: save_mailboxes() and restore_mailboxes() (Manage Mailboxes)
CHG: rename “Filesystem Path” to “Document Root”, more intuitive and consistent with Apache conventions (Subdomains)
CHG: add file manager browser to each domain (Addon Domains)
CHG: request parameter rename subject => subjectid when auto-populating trouble ticket field, subject is string-parseable field (Trouble Ticket)
CHG: nag screen upon login when user over storage quota (Dashboard)
CHG: modal background
CHG: several CSS changes, set INPUT.main:disabled style
CHG: emulate jQuery dataType parameter in apnscp.call_app (AJAX)
CHG: upgrade TinyMCE to 3.5.7
CHG: normalize CP login username and domain to lowercase
CHG: verify_password()- support reading SHA-256 and SHA-512 shadows (Auth)
CHG: add_alias()- recursively create subdirectories in the case that the domain does not exist (Aliases)
CHG: add more ticket metadata to facilitate answering tickets on Admin side (Trouble Tickets)
REM: custom mailbox delivery (Manage Mailboxes)
REM: Live Chat from control panel – defeats the purpose of creating a sieve to assist clients in finding answers and ultimately creates more interruptions and less productivity
REM: Ensim pass-thru (EnsimPT)
REM: @apisinside Twitter feed (Dashboard)