A new apnscp revision has been released to the servers introducing a new charting framework that will serve as a basis for visualizing data in other applications. First, the venerable Flot has replaced all old charting libraries (pChart and Highcharts for those interested). Additionally, new API routines allow clients to change their primary domain and username (auth_change_domain and auth_change_username). These features will be incorporated directly into the CP in a follow-up revision coming shortly.

IE6 support has been removed entirely from the CP, saving a few precious KB of external stylesheets, as well as jQuery 1.9 along with its myriad compatibility fixes ensuring a long-term support for your control panel.
As always, it’s time for the changelog!
NEW: API support for domain name, username changes – auth_change_domain() and auth_change_username() (Auth)
NEW: benchmark module aptly named test (Test)
NEW: revamped Bandwidth Breakdown
NEW: revamped Bandwidth Statistics
NEW: revamped Storage Usage
NEW: sgroupdel()/sgroupadd()/sgroups() – supplemental groups: additional groups to which a user may belong that share the same gid as the main account. This is to fool certain applications, namely GitLab, that requires group membership to “git” in order to run (User)
NEW: error dispatcher for JavaScript
FIX: 1% discrepancy in reported bandwidth on refresh (Template)
FIX: invalid Next Billing Date displayed in Dashboard for old accounts (> 8 years old) (Billing)
FIX: disk quota slider hides after slide event completed regardless of focus (Add User)
FIX: “Request More Storage”/”View Storage Usage” links broken in IE9 (Dashboard)
CHG: autoload classes using OS-independent path separators, support for namespaced libraries (apnscpCore)
CHG: module intellisense support for IDEs generated upon each startup of apnscpd
CHG: replace pChart/Highcharts with Flot
CHG: Template Engine rewrite. Restricted app access, support for hidden categories, links, and info
CHG: cleanup API keys on account deletion (Auth)
CHG: get_bandwidth_usage() – report bandwidth in bytes instead of gigabytes (Site)
CHG: get_acls() – skip base ACLs (File)
CHG: canonicalize domain path before adding addon domain (Aliases)
CHG: deallocate PTR from accounts on deletion that had an IP address allocated (DNS)
CHG: use info/new/ instead of info/ to detect site metadata changes. Its mtime is adjusted whenever metadata is journaled whereas info/ only adjusts its mtime if metadata is committed (Auth_Info::Account)
CHG: mute mutes PHP warnings as well as application warnings (Error Reporter)
CHG: replace stats PECL module with PHPStats library
CHG: upgrade jQuery 1.8 to 1.9, multiple compatibility fixes
REM: IE6 support
REM: SimpleModal, superceded by jQuery UI Dialog widget