Due to popular demand, ImageMagick has been upgraded from 6.2 to the latest release, 6.4. Incompatible API differences exist between the two versions. Old libraries from 6.2 remain on the server to avoid breaking applications, such as rmagick, built around
Jan 1: [Image/Echelon] Kernel upgrade (ext4 prep work), [ALL] service upgrades
Image and Echelon will be taken offline at 1:00 AM EST (-0500 GMT) on January 1st, 2009 for a kernel upgrade to 2.6.28. Downtime duration is expected to last less than 5 minutes. The latest kernel, 2.6.28, introduces the ext3
Esprit Update: user management changeover, error reporting facility changes
A new esprit update has been pushed to the servers at this time introducing a new “Add User” interface and an enhanced error system designed to facilitate development. Add User replaces the original Ensim version with our own spin, showcasing