• The servers now support e-mail addresses in the form user+extension@domain.com.  +extension is implicitly checked in the lookup table in Manage Mailboxes.  If an address named user+extension on the named domain does not exist, then Postfix will fall back to the address named user on the named domain domain.  In other words you may, for example, start providing the e-mail address user+paypal@domain.com without necessarily creating the e-mail account named user+paypal in the control panel.
  • One-shot deliveries will be attempted on all Chinese domains due to the marked rise in backscatter/spam bots with .cn e-mail addresses.  One delivery will be attempted and in the event of failure, instead of keeping the message in the queue for 7 days to repeatedly attempt delivery, the message will permanently fail.  Unless you’re in direct communication with e-mail addresses ending in .cn that happen to be extremely unreliable, this will not affect you.
  • vsftpd+ 2.0.6-ext1.1 has been deployed on all servers at this time.  After examining the logs over the weekend on Assmule everything looked fine.  Per-user configuration for vsftpd+ has changed.  The full username@domain is no longer needed for both jailing and configuration.
Plused e-mail address support, .cn one-shot deliveries, vsftpd+, chroot changes

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