esprit currently supports WebDAV through Apache; however, there will be a WebDAV interface similar to cPanel’s “Web Disk” component.  This will allow remote access to the filesystem from your desktop, without having to login to the control panel.  A rough cut of esprit’s WebDAV interface should be up by the weekend.  This revolves around the File module and is actually a direct interface into esprit’s API.

Additional modifications have been made to Apache (the Web server) to skip configuration rebuild when necessary called a fast restart.  This modified start-up type shaves 30 seconds off the total restart time.  Configuration files will now be checked before a reload/restart as well.  In the event of a syntax error, the Web server will postpone reloading.  Finally, before starting the Apache up again, the server will wait up to 15 seconds for all processes to exit.  This is a workaround for the case when a restart occurs before Apache has had the opportunity to shutdown 100% (still processing the remains of a requests).  The added pause is introduced in response to a false positive last night.

WebDAV server coming to esprit, Apache start-up tweaks