A service window has been scheduled for all of the servers to perform a routine upgrade of MySQL and Dovecot on Saturday, August 16th at 12:00 AM EDT (-0400 GMT). During this time git will also be rolled out on all servers with Basic or higher package. This window is expected to last approximately 30 minutes at most.
MySQL will be upgraded from 5.0.51b to 5.0.67 and Dovecot from 1.0 to 1.1.2

Update: 11:09 PM — There are some outstanding incompatibilities with Dovecot 1.1.2 and our custom PAM drivers. This will be re-evaluated at another date (possibly next week) with the added possibility of Solr or Lucene full-text searching. Just MySQL and git will be upgraded tonight.

Update: 11:50 PM — Upgrades are finished. All servers experienced a brief 10 – 20 second outage during shutdown/startup of MySQL. Rails applications running as FastCGI were reloaded following the upgrade. There have been issues in the past where the Rails app will continue to reference the MySQL socket referenced at start-up. During a MySQL server restart, the filesystem location of this socket changes, so the Rails app continues to reference the now-defunct socket. If you experience this issue just send a hang-up signal to the Rails process. Mount procfs under “Language Options”, then run kill -HUP $(ps -C dispatch.fcgi -o pid=)

Who wants to take a stab at a shorter command? Perl junkies apply. 🙂

MySQL, Dovecot upgrade, git on Saturday

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