Two minor changes will occur tonight between 11 PM – 12 AM EDT (-0400 GMT) aimed at improving manageability.

First, the custom Ruby library location, defined by RUBYLIB, will be changed from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 to /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby. Relocation will allow gem updates (gem update --system) to proceed properly. A symlink will be created to site_ruby/1.8 providing backwards compatibility in case any additional Ruby libraries depend on the path. RubyGems will remain unaffected by the change.  A brief outage lasting 1 – 2 minutes will occur as Ruby processes are restarted.

Update: scratch that idea.  Newer RubyGems updates include the destdir flag that acts similar to prefix, but preserves the site library path.  This is a safer strategy, especially once Ruby 1.9 becomes mainstream and clients begin running both versions in tandem on a site.  Instructions on upgrading RubyGems have been posted to the wiki.

Second, two new directories named “all_domains/” and “all_subdomains/” will be available within the home directory containing links to every domain/subdomain manageable under the user.  Domains/subdomains added from tonight forward will be added to its respective directory.

Ruby library relocation, subdomain/domain symlinks